
Thursday, August 18, 2011

China to Teach USA a Financial Lesson

We've said it so many times that most long time readers should have the Proverb memorized..."The borrower will be slave to the lender"...and so continues our relationship with China.  So let's understand that there is currently LOTS of stuff happening with China as we have recently dispatched VP Biden to talk with the Chinese about how our financial relationship with them is crucial to the world's economic recovery.

So...back to the slave part.  Let's remember that Taiwan and China don't like each other.  China has always considered Taiwan part of their territory but Taiwan wants independence and currently has it.  Also since the USA is a supporter of democracy and freedom all over the world, at one point during the cold war with communism, we promised to support Taiwan in its fight for freedom.

So good so far.

But now Taiwan has asked to buy some more guns and bullets from us...and China is not happy about us selling arms to a country that they would soon like to take back as their own.

With that, let's read some excerpts from a Chinese newspaper regarding this situation.  Notice they use the word "financial weapon" when they talk about teaching us a lesson.

Now is the time for China to use its "financial weapon" to teach the United States a lesson if it moves forward with a plan to sale arms to Taiwan. In fact, China has never wanted to use its holdings of U.S. debt as a weapon. It is the United States that is forcing it to do so.

The U.S. House of Representatives just passed a debt ceiling bill on Aug. 1. On the next day, a total of 181 members of the House of Representatives signed a letter sent to U.S. President Barack Obama stating that the federal government should approve the sale of F-16 C/D fighter jets to Taiwan as soon as possible to help ensure peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

The U.S. Senate passed the debt ceiling bill on Aug. 2, and Obama signed it into law. Shortly thereafter, the U.S. Treasury obtained the authorization to issue 400 billion U.S. dollars in new debt. Will China become the largest buyer of U.S. debt again?

U.S. arms sales to Taiwan can only create more jobs for the United States but cannot improve the ability of Taiwan's military force to compete with the Chinese mainland. The essence of the problem is that some U.S. Congress members hold a contemptuous attitude toward the core interests of China, which shows that they will never respect China. China-U.S. relations will always be constrained by these people and will continue along a roller coaster pattern if China does not beat them until they feel the pain.

See it here;

So there you have it.  USA will no longer be master of its own destiny because we have placed our debt in hands of countries who would love to see our arrogant attitude beat down a bit.  Will this happen?  Could God really choose to use a godless nation like China to beat us down and teach us a lesson?  Read Jeremiah and you will quickly be reminded that God used the godless Babylonians to beat down Judah when they had strayed so far from God and gone whoring after other gods. 

God is never changing.

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