
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

FEMA Runs Out of Cash

I heard on the news this morning that "good news" was coming to Vermont because 30 trucks from FEMA were heading that way with bottled water, food and desperately needed generators...since the electricity may be down for days.

Boy...that FEMA must have wads of cash because they have trucks running all over the country from Minot to Joplin to Vermont.

Surprise!  It turns out they don't have wads of cash.

Costs Of Irene Add Up As FEMA Runs Out Of Cash
It's not yet certain what the total cost of Hurricane Irene will be, but it's likely to add up to several billion dollars. That means tough choices for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which has had to deal with a string of natural disasters this year.
From washed-away roads in North Carolina to historic bridges flooded out in Vermont, Hurricane Irene took its toll up and down the Eastern Seaboard.

But the East is not the only region to suffer from natural disasters this year. There was a string of deadly tornadoes in the South this spring, floods along the Mississippi and in the Upper Midwest, and last May's devastating tornado in Joplin, Mo.

All told, there have been 10 storms that cost at least a billion dollars each this year, if you include Irene's expected costs. And FEMA says its disaster relief fund is below the billion dollars it likes to keep on hand.

So the administration will be forced to go to Congress for more aid, setting up a potential fight with House Republicans.

See it here;

As the Germans asked last week when faced with the daunting task of bailing out Greece, Spain, Portugal and now Italy, "Who will be left to rescue the rescuers?"  Good question.

Can you see how the world will soon start looking for a Messiah?  For Christians we will keep watching for Jesus...but for the secular world, they will start looking for a charismatic man riding a white horse promising peace, security, order and prosperity.

Interesting times are coming.

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