
Thursday, August 25, 2011

How Long Will Germany Prop Up Euro?

Would you co-sign a car loan for one of your kids?  Most parents at some point have to.

Would you co-sign a car loan for one of your nephews?  Probably a lot more rare.

Would you co-sign a car loan for the kid down the road, named Guido, who you see smoking pot with a beer can in his hand?  Probably never.

So how long will Germany keep co-signing loans for Greece, Spain, Portugal, etc... 

If Germany starts to tip over, under the weight of trying to bail everyone out....who will be there to rescue the rescuers?  Good question.

In a cannon shot across Europe’s bows, he warned that Germany is reaching bailout exhaustion and cannot allow its own democracy to be undermined by EU mayhem.

The tone of language from two of Germany’s most respected institutions suggests that both markets and Europe’s political establishment have been complacent in assuming that the court would rubberstamp the EU summit deals in Brussels.

Nobel laureate Joe Stiglitz told the forum that the euro is likely to fall apart unless Germany accepts some form of fiscal union. “More austerity for Greece and Spain is not the answer. Medieval blood-letting will kill the patient, and democracies won’t put up with this kind of medicine.”

See it here;

I hope you caught that last sentence....democracies won't put up with this kind of medicine. 

For the last 6 decades the Western world has wanted to eat cotton candy, cheese curds, pronto pups and coke as fast as they could and as much as they could.  Now the day has come for consequences for their gluttonous behavior...but we refuse to take the medicine.

So YOU TELL ME....what happens when sick patients refuse to take their medicine?  Do they get better or do they get worse?

One positive thing for Team USA that may benefit us because of Euro problems....we will be seen by many investors as the "least worst" place to hold their wealth....and it could sustain us for a while and push the day out further when we are forced to take our medicine.  But make no mistake....that day IS coming.

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