
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Iranian Armed Forces Prepared to Take Jerusalem

Remember that when a Muslim says, "Quds"...he means Jerusalem.

Remember that a Muslim believes that once territory has been conquered by Islamic forces, that territory is ALWAYS Muslim territory...even if centuries have gone by.

Remember that Jerusalem is the apple of God's eye.  It is HIS holy land.

Remember that whatever God claims as his own, Satan wants it all the more.

With that as a refresher let's look at what is coming out of Iranian News;

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian Armed Forces' Headquarters in a statement said that ongoing revolutions and popular uprisings in the region have prepared the grounds for the creation of a comprehensive Muslim front to clinch a final victory over the Zionist regime and free the holy Quds from the Zionist occupation.
The statement issued on Wednesday called for a massive turnout by the Iranian nation in the International Quds Day rallies on Friday, reminding that the rallies show that the Zionist regime of Israel is sinking in the gulf of Islamic awakening and popular anti-Zionist uprisings.
Initiated by the late Founder of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Khomeini, the International Quds Day is observed on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan, when Muslims all over the world hold rallies in support of the Palestinian resistance against what Imam Khomeini commonly referred to as "the illegitimate Israeli regime occupying Palestine."

The Iranian Armed Forces Headquarters also said that the serial collapse of the US and Zionist-backed dictatorial regimes has created the potential for the formation of a comprehensive Muslim front against Zionism. 
And finally, let's remember that tomorrow is International Quds Day...when all the Muslims of the world hold rallies to support Palestinians and to protest that the Jews now control Jerusalem....and that one day soon they believe they will take it back from Israel.
Tell me the's getting harder and harder to read the headlines and totally deny that we are heading fast into the VERY last days.
Hat tip to Tom F.

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