
Friday, August 19, 2011

Israel Strikes Gaza

Events continue to heat up on the ground today after missiles fired from Gaza kill Israelis and Israel strikes back.

Rockets have been launched from Gaza into Israel and Israeli aircraft have struck targets in the Palestinian territory in the aftermath of deadly attacks a day before in southern Israel.

Eight Israelis, including six civilians and two soldiers, were killed in a series of assaults on Thursday by gunmen who targeted two buses, a car and an army vehicle in the area north of Israel's Red Sea resort of Eilat.

Seven of the assailants were killed, including two suicide bombers who detonated near a bus and during a confrontation with soldiers.

Israel said the attackers had infiltrated from the Hamas-run Gaza Strip and vowed to "hunt down" the perpetrators.

Israeli officials have blamed a Gaza-based militant group called the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) for Thursday's attacks, although the faction denied any involvement. The PRC is not affiliated with the Hamas movement which governs Gaza.

In its most recent retaliation, the Israeli air force "targeted rocket launchers in three separate incidents in the Gaza Strip's north" on Friday evening, the military told Al Jazeera.

It was the fifth Israeli air strike on the Palestinian territory since Thursday's incidents.

See it here;

Remember that this violence may very well be the precursor to the war mentioned in Psalm 83.  Also remember that there are many rumors building that Israel may be planning a major military move against Iran, which may include Iran's proxies of Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas and other militants in Gaza, and elements within Syria...and these rumors are pointing to this possible event happening in September of 2011...

Israel continues to be at the center of many headlines every single day...exactly as the ancient prophets said they would be as the age of grace draws to a close...and as the Messiah prepares for His 2nd coming.

Are you ready to meet your Lord and Savior in the air?

"When you see these things begin to happen, then look up for your redemption is near." 

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