
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Israel Warns Gaza Militants

The Palestinians are planning on seeking statehood next month when the United Nations meets.  But in the interim, the militants who run the place want to continue lobbing missiles into Israel and planning terror attacks...but they know this doesn't look good for their cause of statehood....such a dilemma....what to do?....

Ah-hah!  They will move the terrorists into Egypt and then attack Israel from the south...thereby disguising the fact that the militants running Palestine have anything to do with killing Jews in Israel.

Today we have Israel warning those same militants that they are aware of their attempt at deception....and that it won't work.  Gaza will be punished if terrorists come in via Egypt.

JERUSALEM — Israel's top military chief has warned Gaza militants not to "test" Israel's strength as troops and police remained on high alert on Wednesday over warnings of a planned attack from Sinai.

"Hamas and other terrorist organisations in Gaza must know that they are wrong to test our strength and that any attempt to harm the citizens of Israel will result in a severe response," chief of staff Benny Gantz said in remarks released by the army.

The military two days earlier raised the level of alert on the Israel-Egypt border and around Gaza following specific intelligence warnings that militants were planning a fresh attack on south Israel along the lines of a series of deadly ambushes on August 18.

"The defence establishment has received a warning that a terror cell in Sinai, comprised of more than 10 terrorists, is going to try and carry out an attack," Home Front Defence Minister Matan Vilnai told Israeli reporters on Tuesday, indicating Islamic Jihad was involved.

See it here;

Of course as the threats and warnings increase, as Muslim militants continue to gather control in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan...the region has become a tinder box that is just waiting for a match to ignite the whole mess.

So as we watch all these prophetic happenings materialize before our very eyes, remember to "fear not"...since we all know where our eternity lies and since all of these things "must happen".

Also take cheer because we know by watching all these events happening with increasing frequency that the hour is approaching when we, who love the Lord and await his glorious appearing, will suddenly get our new bodies and meet our Savior in the air!  What a day that will be!!

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