
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

More Rumors of War

Today the rumors are coming from North Korea and South Korea.

The U.S. and South Korea are currently engaging in war games and the North Koreans are feeling very threatened by this and are warning these "provocations" could lead to all out war.

SOUTH Korea and the United States have launched a massive joint military exercise, prompting the North to condemn the manoeuvres as provocative and warn that "all-out war" could accidentally erupt. 

Pyongyang condemned the exercise as "extremely provocative", calling it a preparation for an "all-out war" against the North and the "largest-ever nuclear war exercise".

"The Korean peninsula is faced with the worst crisis ever. An all-out war can be triggered by any accidents," the North's ruling communist party newspaper Rodong Sinmun said in a commentary.

"The US war-mongers are planning to carry out a realistic war drill to remove our nuclear facilities with a mobile unit led by the US 20th Support Command which was sent to Iraq to find and disable weapons of mass destruction," it said.

"Our military and the people will not sit idle as US imperialists mobilise massive military forces and threaten our sovereign rights."

It accused the US of seeking to bring war to the Korean peninsula after Afghanistan and Iraq as a way to "extricate itself from its worsening economic crisis".

See it here;  

History shows us that wars don't usually start with bullets flying...but instead start with escalating words and warnings.  When a country issues a warning, it will be seen as weak if it doesn't follow through if and when the warning is breached.

Also notice that North Korea believes the USA is looking for another war to fight because Iraq and Afghanistan are winding down...and we need war to get our economy back up and running. 

While I realize that Kim Jong Il (aka Gopher in a pant suit) is most likely being tormented by a demon, he probably cannot be categorized as "insane".  History does show that war is good for an economy.  America's involvement in WWII is what finally brought us out of the Great Depression.  So you can see how Kim Jong Il may actually believe that America is floating it's boats in the Korean Peninsula...and is actually trying to pick a fight.

"There will be wars and rumors of wars....", says Jesus about the times that will usher in His return.

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