
Friday, August 26, 2011

Palestinian Statehood Only First Step to Wipe Out Israel

Many folks around the world have the belief that if those poor Palestinians (remember they are really Arabs living in Palestine) had their own state, then the Muslim world would finally live in peace as the two state system thrives.

That's an absolute joke.

First off, there already IS a two state system...Israel for the Jews and Jordan for the Arabs.  If the world had an ounce of common sense they would pressure the Arabs to pull out the original agreement that created Jordan and make the Jordanians accept all their Arab relatives in Palestine.

In reality the Arabs (and other Muslims) don't WANT the Palestinian problem solved, but would rather continue using them as pawns to torment Israel....because what they TRULY want is ALL THE JEWS GONE from the Middle East.

Here is what Iran's president had to say about this fact:

TEHRAN - The creation of a universally-recognized Palestinian state would be just a first step towards wiping out Israel, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Friday.

He spoke weeks ahead of a UN General Assembly in New York where the Arab Leagueplans to seek full UN membership for a Palestinian state.

"The Zionist regime is a center of microbes, a cancer cell and if it exists in one iota ofPalestine it will mobilize again and hurt everyone."

"It is not enough for them to have a weak, powerless state in a very small piece ofPalestine. They should unite to establish a state but the ultimate goal is the liberation of the whole of Palestine," he said.

"I urge the Palestinians never to forget this ideal. Forgetting this ideal is equal to committing suicide. It would be giving an opportunity to an enemy which is on the verge of 
collapse and disappearance."

See it here;

Make no mistake about it...the Muslim world is getting very empowered by the "Arab Spring" in which the people have been throwing out all the dictators, most recently Gaddafi in Libya.

Many are planning on using this "throw them out" mentality to continue pushing toward Israel.  They actually are beginning to believe that they will be able to throw out the Jews and take back all the land that is now Israel.

I believe the God if Israel, Isaac and Jacob has some different plans for those advancing Muslim aspirations.

Continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem...because God tells us to.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Did you see that New York Mayor Bloomberg Banned any Religious input at 9/11 Ceremony.

    On another note they are making preparations for the Hurricane.



  2. Hi Dennis,

    Mass rallies in support of Palestinian statehood bid at United Nations are to begin on September 20 in the West Bank.


