
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Putin Calls U.S. a Parasite

Why did Putin call us a parasite?

LAKE SELIGER, Russia (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin accused the United States Monday of living beyond its means "like a parasite" on the global economy and said dollar dominance was a threat to the financial markets.

"They are living beyond their means and shifting a part of the weight of their problems to the world economy," Putin told the pro-Kremlin youth group Nashi while touring its lakeside summer camp some five hours drive north of Moscow.

"They are living like parasites off the global economy and their monopoly of the dollar," Putin said at the open-air meeting with admiring young Russians in what looked like early campaigning before parliamentary and presidential polls.

"Countries like Russia and China hold a significant part of their reserves in American securities ... There should be other reserve currencies."

See it here;

So this one article is prophetic on a few levels.  First because Russia is a named player in Ezekiel 38-39 and will be leading a coalition to destroy when Russia's leaders say things like this, we need to pay attention.  Their influence WILL rise in the last days because the Bible tells me so.

Second because they are calling for new currencies....He is correct in that America has had a monopoly on the dollar, and the world is calling for that to change.  The Bible says there will be a one-world-currency in the Last days.

Third because Putin knows that Russia holds a large amount of American IOU's...and he feels free to talk this way about someone who owes his country a lot of money.  "The borrower will become slave to the lender," Proverbs warns us.

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