
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

And Perversion Filled the Land

We already know that pornography has infiltrated America to our very depths.

We already know that fornication has become a celebrated way of life as practically everyone lives together before they are married to give it a trial run.

We already know that we can now say "most" marriages will end in divorce as people have come to believe that the institution of marriage is all about being happy instead of being to make us holy.

So this next headline won't be a surprise...simply more evidence of how fast we are falling into the moral abyss.

Census: 131,729 gay couples report they're married

WASHINGTON—Increasingly visible, the number of gay Americans telling the U.S. census they're living with same-sex partners nearly doubled in the past decade, to about 650,000 couples. And more than 130,000 recorded partners as husband or wife.

Census figures released Tuesday provide a rare snapshot of married and unmarried same-sex couples in the U.S. based on the government count conducted last year, when gay marriage was legal in five states and the District of Columbia. It comes at a time when public opposition to gay marriage is easing and advocacy groups are seeking a state-by-state push for broader legal rights.
Some 131,729 same-sex couples checked "husband" or "wife" boxes on their decennial census forms, the first time people could do so, after gay marriage became legal in Massachusetts starting in 2004.

See it here;

Wow!  So the statistic of gayness nearly doubled in only 10 years!  So if the Lord tarries another decade we could expect that figure to quadruple!  Can you imagine what it will look like in this world if we are still here another 10 years??  I know one thing for sure.....I sincerely hope we are NOT here to see it.


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