
Monday, September 5, 2011

Are We In the Downward Spiral Already?

As Jerusalem continues to be the topic of daily headlines, storms, fires, floods, quakes, drought and massive unrest all over the makes one wonder if we are already in the downward spiral....meaning things will NEVER get better, only worse.

Of course long time readers of this blog have heard me talk much about our entire financial system being based on "confidence".  When the confidence in the world's paper currencies starts to collapse there will be things happening, as a result, that most of us could never imagine.

Today we have another statement coming from the IMF that warns us about a "crisis in confidence" that has suddenly sprung up over the summer.  Also remember that the IMF will be the organization that will be on scene to usher in the one-world-currency when the Antichrist calls for it.

IMF: global economy faces a 'threatening downward spiral'

The International Monetary Fund has called on the US and Europe to abandon fiscal austerity and switch to stimulus measures, warning that the global economy faces a "threatening downward spiral".

Christine Lagarde, the IMF's managing-director, said the outlook had darkened suddenly over the summer.

"There has been a clear crisis of confidence that has seriously aggravated the situation. Measures need to be taken to ensure that this vicious circle is broken," she said.

See it here;

As followers of Christ we need to be especially prayerful these days.  The forces of darkness have always been here but they have gathered in strength to prepare for Satan's last hoorah.  Satan can see the times...he can read his Bible and he understands that the bloom is on the fig tree which can mean only one thing...the end of the age is at hand.

Let's all ask the Lord of the Harvest what He wants each of us individually to be doing to strengthen the Kingdom.  Let's work while we have daylight...because darkness is drawing closer.

Even so...come Lord Jesus!

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