
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

First Caller Wins an Assualt Rifle!

Fresh from the book of, "You can't make that up!"....we have the latest insanity coming to us from the dark continent.

A radio station run by Somalia's al-Shabab Islamist group has awarded weapons to children who won a Koran-reciting and general knowledge contest.

Andulus radio, based near Mogadishu, gave the group which won first prize in the Ramadan competition an AK-47 rifle and the equivalent of $700 (£450).

The second prize-winners received an AK-47 and $500, while the third prize was two hand grenades and $400.

See it here;

Satan continues using the Koran to build his army of hate-filled fanatics who are willing to die for their errant beliefs.  This shouldn't surprise us, in fact we should expect this.  "All these things must happen, but fear not...." said Jesus.

As you read this article, it has to dawn on all of us that America WILL NOT be able to build a democratic nation in Somalia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, etc....  These folks are going to demand the Koran...and ONLY the Koran. 

This situation will not get will only get worse. 

Pray for these lost people that Jesus would continue to use dreams and visions to change their lives one at a time. 

Hat tip to Tom F.


  1. Hi there,

    I have been researching the Islamic awakening conference. Found the closing statement.
    There is not any concession for the existence of Israel, only the return of all the land to Palestinian refugees.

    Item 8- The significance of the cause of Palestine and al-Quds al-Sharif and the general interest of the Islamic Ummah make it imperative to focus undivided attention to supporting the resistance and the resilient people of Palestine. The continuation of the occupation of Palestine and the unbridled support provided to the policies and behavior of the Zionist regime by global arrogance have caused a deep wound on the body of the entire Islamic Ummah, which can only be remedied through liberation of Palestinian territory, return of Palestinian refugees to their land and full restoration of all rights of Palestinian people.

    From the Islamic awakening forum final statement issued.

    Reading the home page is well worth the time.

    Here is a great commentary out of Asia on the significance of both the conference and Khamenei's speech.
    Khamenei's speech at the Islamic Awakening conference is a significant event and should be considered by all concerned as a major statement of intent.
    Beyond the immediate audience, it is directed foremost at official Iranian institutions and Islamic Republic loyalists in the region and beyond and instructs them,
    in general terms, on how to interpret the political changes in the Arab world and subsequently how to adjust their engagement with the actors involved.



  2. Hey there,

    Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says US statesmen are the “weakest and the most unwise” figures in the world, insisting that they are even incapable of resolving their minor issues.

    Finally something I agree with Ahmadinegad on. :-)



  3. And yet another gem...

    Iran's Supreme National Security Council Secretary Saeed Jalili (R) and Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev held a meeting in Tehran on August 15.

    Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Saeed Jalili has underscored the significance of Tehran-Moscow relations towards the establishment of a new global order.
