
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Harsh Consequences for Palestinian State

The push continues for a recognized Arab state in Palestine.  And the countries of the world are all lining up to vote their approval of said state.

For its part, Israel is warning of "harsh consequences" if the Arabs keep pushing for this state.

Hardline Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman warned Wednesday there will be “harsh and grave consequences” if the Palestinians persist with their plan to seek UN membership as a state.

“I hope that we shall not come to those harsh and grave consequences, and that common sense will prevail in all decisions taken in order to allow co-existence and progress with negotiations,” he added.

So far, 127 countries have already recognised a Palestinian state based on the lines that existed before the 1967 Six Day War, including Gaza, the West Bank and east Jerusalem. 

U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday said the U.N. bid was a “distraction” that would not result in viable statehood, while Russia said it will back the Palestinians as the European Union remains divided.

The United States has decided to fight to the bitter end to convince the Palestinians to abandon their bid for U.N. membership, despite the rather small chance that the battle will succeed.

The Palestinians have two options − if they present their bid in the U.N. Security Council, they will surely face a U.S. veto.

If they go before the General Assembly, where they could ask to upgrade their representation from current observer status to non-member state, they have a very good chance of success, as Washington has one vote and no veto.

See it here;

Did you catch that Russia will back the Palestinians?  Remember that they are a named player in the upcoming war on Israel mentioned in Ezekiel 38.

 Do you get the feeling that USA has been standing with Israel trying to convince the Arabs to negotiate with Israel?  It makes one wonder if our tacit support of Israel is a major reason why we are still standing.

Israel won't say exactly what those harsh consequences will be, but it sure makes me wonder if they will be the trigger to what the Psalmist described in Psalm 83.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dennis, The Palestinian state is just another step to the end goal of Iran, the puppet master.

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei announced that uprisings and movements in the Muslim countries serve as a prelude to greater developments and the rule of Islam over the world.


