
Friday, September 9, 2011

Texas Sets Record for Heat and Drought

Another "ever"....if you are keeping score.

Texas just finished the hottest June through August on record for any state in the U.S., weather officials said Thursday.
National Weather Service meteorologist Victor Murphy told The Associated Press that Texas' 86.8 degree Fahrenheit average beat out Oklahoma's 85.2 degrees in 1934.

That Dust Bowl year is now third on the list for the three-month span, behind No. 2 Oklahoma's heat wave this June through August at 86.5 degrees.

Both states and others in the nation's southern tier have baked in triple-digit heat this summer.
Louisiana's heat this June through August puts it in the fourth spot all-time, 84.5 degrees.

Here it is;

Also notice that the article goes on to say that the drought in Texas is also the longest we have two "evers" in the same article.

Texas has been the hardest hit by the long-lasting drought, which is the longest on record for the key agricultural state.

Did you also know that Texas is a key agriculture state and is the 2nd largest producer of wheat?

There will be famine....

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