
Thursday, September 22, 2011

What Did the Arabs Say?

With all the talk at the UN meetings regarding Israel and the Palestinian desire to have their own state, I thought it would be interesting to look back at what some Arab leaders were saying decades ago when we were a lot closer to the actual facts regarding the Palestinian refugees.

ON APRIL 23, 1948 Jamal Husseini, acting chairman of the Palestine Arab Higher Committee (AHC), told the UN Security Council: "The Arabs did not want to submit to a truce ... They preferred to abandon their homes, belongings and everything they possessed."

ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1948, the Beirut Daily Telegraph quoted Emil Ghory, secretary of the AHC, as saying: "The fact that there are those refugees is the direct consequence of the action of the Arab states in opposing partition and the Jewish state. The Arab states agreed upon this policy unanimously..."

ON JUNE 8, 1951, Habib Issa, secretary-general of the Arab League, wrote in the New York Lebanese daily al-Hoda that in 1948, Azzam Pasha, then League secretary, had "assured the Arab peoples that the occupation of Palestine and of Tel Aviv would be as simple as a military promenade ... Brotherly advice was given to the Arabs of Palestine to leave their land, homes and property, and to stay temporarily in neighbouring fraternal states."

Now you gotta love this next one spoken by the current leader of PLO over 35 years ago;

IN THE MARCH 1976 issue of Falastin a-Thaura, then the official journal of the Beirut-based PLO, Mahmud Abbas ("Abu Mazen"), PLO spokesman, wrote: "The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny but, instead, they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and to leave their homeland, and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live."

ON APRIL 9, 1953, the Jordanian daily al-Urdun quoted a refugee, Yunes Ahmed Assad, formerly of Deir Yassin, as saying: "For the flight and fall of the other villages, it is our leaders who are responsible, because of the dissemination of rumours exaggerating Jewish crimes and describing them as atrocities in order to inflame the Arabs ... they instilled fear and terror into the hearts of the Arabs of Palestine until they fled, leaving their homes and property to the enemy."

Incredible!!  Why won't one stinking reporter ask some of the Arab leaders at the UN conference this week to clarify these statements made when the conflict was first arising?  Why?...because who really wants to ruin some good ol' Israel bashing by throwing in some actual truth?


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Things are not heading in a positive direction...

    "Camp David is annulled and has no credit and value," member of Egypt's National Association for Change George Ishaq told FNA in Cairo.



  2. Just thinking,

    So when the Euro and other markets implode do you think that the people of the world will be open to accept the shift to Sharia based Islamic Finance? There are some very sound principals of fiscal restraint and discipline in the practice. Ok there are a few other things that come with it. I am sure those can be overlooked .

    Iran Urges World Economy to Shift to Islamic Finance


