
Saturday, September 10, 2011

World's Food at Record Prices

We already know that the "Arab Spring" was really the result of rising food prices.  If you are a Tunisian living off of $2 per day and had been spending $1 per day for you daily bread and now that same daily bread costs $2.....that doesn't leave you much to do anything else with.

And so the riots start.

Today we find this headline and wonder how many hundreds of millions of people around the planet are going to pushed into starvation.

Meanwhile, here in America we are suffering through the obesity crisis to ever befall a nation.  We have literally eaten ourselves into medical bankruptcy....something isn't right.

World food prices are being propped up by the cost of cereal crops, which have risen on anticipation of a shortfall in production this year.

There is likely to be six million tonnes less than was predicted in July.

Global food prices are now at record highs according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization which has been assessing a range of essential foods.

See it here;


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Have a look at this article after the fall of the Israeli embassy in Egypt.

    Fall of Israeli Embassies in Turkey, Jordan Imminent

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Israel's embassies in Turkey and Jordan are reportedly under the threat of an imminent fall after Egyptians stormed the Israeli embassy in Cairo on Friday and destroyed a part of a barricade wall around the building.

    Monkey see monkey do....

    Things are heating up...



  2. Sorry,

    Forgot the link...

  3. Cool pictures for your blog

    Iran's new New Coast-to-Sea Cruise Systems can hit anything in the Persian Gulf.

    IRGC Missle tests. These can hit any target in Israel.

    I am kinda thinking you may see these driving west in the not too distant future.
    Iran Unveils Home-Made Self-Propelled 155mm Artillery


