
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Christians Under Siege in Egypt and Afghanistan

Things appear to getting worse in Egypt when it comes to religious freedom and democratic principles.  There was hope by many that when the Egyptian people overthrew their tyrant, Mubarak, that peace, love, hope and freedom would ring.  I'm guessing if you were one of those can quit holding your breath because the people seem to be demanding that Islam squash out everything else and that the law of the land should be the Koran.

CAIRO (AP) -- Egypt's Coptic Christians have long felt like second-class citizens in their own country.

Now many fear that the power vacuum left after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak is giving Muslim extremists free rein to torch churches and attack Coptic homes in the worst violence against the community in decades.

An assault Sunday night on Christians protesting over a church attack set off riots that drew in Muslims, Christians and the police. Among the 26 people left killed in the melee, most were Copts. For Coptic scholar Wassem el-Sissi, it was evidence that the Christian community in Egypt is vulnerable as never before.

"In the absence of law, you can understand how demolishing a church goes unpunished," he said. "I have not heard of anyone who got arrested or prosecuted."

Once a majority in Egypt, Copts now make up about 10 percent of the country's 85 million people. They are the largest Christian community in the Middle East. Their history dates back 19 centuries and the language used in their liturgy can be traced to the speech of Egypt's pharaohs. Proud of their history and faith, many Copts are identifiable by tattoos of crosses or Jesus Christ on their right wrists, and Coptic women do not wear the veil as the vast majority of Muslim women in Egypt do.

See it here;

We need to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters.  As Satanic forces continue to increase as The Tribulation draws close, we can expect hatred of the Children of the Light to increase.  

Also out of Afghanistan today we find out that there isn't ONE SINGLE CHURCH left in the entire country.  So 10 years into the U.S. led invasion to stomp out terrorists and maybe build some hope for these impoverished, illiterate appears that what tiny light of Jesus MAY HAVE BEEN shining in the darkness....Satan is doing his best to extinguish it.

( -- There is not a single, public Christian church left in Afghanistan, according to the U.S. State Department.

This reflects the state of religious freedom in that country ten years after the United States first invaded it and overthrew its Islamist Taliban regime.

In the intervening decade, U.S. taxpayers have spent $440 billion to support Afghanistan's new government and more than 1,700 U.S. military personnel have died serving in that country.

The last public Christian church in Afghanistan was razed in March 2010, according to the State Department's latest International Religious Freedom Report.

See it here;

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