
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Freak Dust Storm Blackens Lubbock

Just one more article in a long line of articles that say things like, "I thought it was the end of the world!", or "I've never seen anything like this!"  These stories ARE making the national fact I saw this one on Good Morning America this morning. 

There is no doubt that anyone who watches TV or reads the papers AT ALL these days, has to know that something strange is transpiring on planet earth.

Lubbock has seen its share of dust storms over the years, but the gusty wall of dirt that blew into the city about 5:30 p.m. Monday was apparently beyond anything that had been seen here for decades.

“My wife and I have lived in Lubbock for 49 years and in West Texas for 52 years, and I have never seen a dust storm like this,” City Councilman Paul Beane said. “I have seen pictures from the Dust Bowl Days in the 1930s, but I never thought I would see anything like this.”

Beane said he was amazed to see the storm roll in as it did.

“It looked like the end of the world.” Beane said.

See it here;

"The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God'"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Pope Benedict XVI is hosting the event in favor of world peace, Two hundred non-Christian religious leaders will join the pope for a ceremony on October 27.

    Baha'i, Buddhists, Confucianists, Hindus, Jains, Jews, Sikhs, Taoists and Zoroastrians, joining 100 Christian leaders,

    The first step to fusion of faiths into a one world religion? In the article they state the meeting would call for "a common path" to peace.

    I see "common path" as a synonym of the "broad path" that leads to destruction. Matthew 7:13


