
Monday, October 10, 2011

Israel Ready to Strike

Last week Syria threatened that they would attack Israel if NATO had any plans on knocking Assad off the Syrian throne.

Today we have Israel threatening Assad in Syria.

Israeli officials have reportedly warned Syrian dictator Bashar Assad that if he uses the downfall of his regime as an excuse to launch missiles at Tel Aviv, Israel will respond with a massive assault against Syria, Lebanon and Gaza.

Unnamed Israeli government sources told News First Class that the threat was relayed to Assad via European intelligence agencies.

The Israeli counter-threat came just days after Iran's Fars news agency quoted Assad telling Turkey's foreign minister that he would launch hundreds of ballistic missiles at Tel Aviv if the West interferes in his violent crackdown on pro-democracy protestors in Syria.

"If a crazy measure is taken against Damascus, I will need not more than six hours to transfer hundreds of rockets and missiles to the Golan Heights to fire them at Tel Aviv," Assad reportedly said.

Israel's threat included Lebanon and Gaza because Assad is said to have boasted that his own missile barrage on Tel Aviv would be complemented by Hizballah and Hamas attacks on Israel.

See it here;

It sure makes one wonder if we are close to seeing the fulfillment of Isaiah 17..."in the evening, sudden terror!  Before the morning, they (Damascus) are gone!"

I know if I was a leader in Israel and you saw what Assad would have to wonder if it wouldn't be smarter to TOTALLY destroy Damascus rather than just kind of destroy it.  If you just kind of destroy it, tremendous retaliation may result.

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