
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Obama's Bombs

Depending on how you interpret this article, one may classify it as good news and one may classify it as bad news.

The good news camp will be happy that President Obama gave Israel a boat load of bunker buster bombs that may be used to wreak havoc on Iran and its nuclear program.  So the USA has been a blessing to Israel.

The bad news camp will understand that transferring these massive weapons to Israel means that the likelihood of war in the Middle East has been ratcheted up a notch.

Barack Obama may be widely regarded at home as the least pro-Israeli president in decades, but he has secretly okayed giving the Jewish state a bunch of special bunker-busting bombs – ideal for destroying Tehran’s ruling mullahs’ nuclear ambitions and so powerful that George W. Bush blocked handing them over.

Capable of penetrating deep beneath the surface, the bunker-busters would be crucial for any air strikes at Iran nuclear sites. Mr. Netanyahu has wanted the bunker-busters for years and, as first reported by Newsweek, Mr. Obama agreed to hand over 55 of the sophisticated and powerful weapons.

Given Israel’s track record of pre-emptive bombing strikes to destroy nuclear sites in neighbouring nations and Iran’s ambitious and suspicious nuclear program, the American bunker-busters may increase the chance of another Middle East war. Iran’s unpredictable and bellicose President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has vowed to wipe Israel off the map. Iran continues to defy international sanctions with a clandestine nuclear program. Meanwhile, Mr. Netanyahu now has the means to carry out his threat that “Iran will not acquire nuclear arms, and this implies everything necessary to carry this out.”

The bunker-busters will fit nicely on Israeli’s top fighter-bomber, the F-15. Dropped from up to a dozen kilometres away, the needle-nosed, 2.5-tonne bomb ‘dives” to its target, correcting its course so precisely as it plunges that it will fly down a ventilation stack or slice through six metres of concrete or 30 metres of dirt before exploding with colossal force.

See it here;

Holy big bang!  A bomb that will slice through 18 feet of concrete BEFORE it explodes?!  That is simply unimaginable.

Mankind's capability of destroying each other has sure gone up exponentially in the last hundred years.  Think about it.....150 years ago we had just invented the single shot rifle.  And now we have chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, biological weapons and bombs so huge they can destroy an underground city.  Of course we all know that eventually all these weapons will be used against other humans. 

At the end of The Tribulation Jesus himself tells us that if those days of tribulation are not cut short that no flesh on earth would survive.  I'm guessing every nasty man-made instrument of destruction will be pulled out during these coming days.

Thank you Jesus that we will not be here on earth to witness these days.  We patiently await the soon coming day when we hear the trumpet that calls us all into the clouds to meet You face to face.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    An article for your blog that has a great deal of information.

    In Jordan, Escalation in Anti-Israel Rhetoric, Threats

    Summary: In recent weeks, Jordanian officials, including Jordan's King 'Abdallah II, have stepped up their statements against Israel, to the point of threatening military aggression against it.
    This escalation is in response to statements by Israeli officials describing Jordan as the Palestinian homeland.

    Seems like Jordan takes this kind of statement as fighting words. Poor Palestinians, no one seems to want them.

    A Jordanian Senate Member and former information minister Saleh Al-Qallab sums things up with "We Will Fight Israel and Defeat It"

    I have been wondering when Jordan would jump on the Arab Spring band wagon.

    They might want to run the claims about Israel's "Temporary Nature" and Imminent Demise by the IDF just to test their resolve before heading out the door.

    So there you have it. Everyone in the region is now gunning for Israel.

    What do you think is the spark that moves things to open military conflict in the region?

    Do you think the rapture is before this conflict?

    Could we already be into the 7 year period?

    Is the application for statehood on Rosh Hashanna by the PA any significance as it matches up with the metonic cycles?

    This is like the best novel ever. The plot is ever changing with all sorts of twist and turns. I am on the edge of my seat.

    But you can rest assured in the end that the hero gets the girl and they live happily ever after.



  2. Awesome post...We will soon and very soon see our King. The world needs watchmen on the wall I pray God continues to strengthen you. Dan

  3. Thanks Dan for your prayers and encouragement!
