
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Protests Spreading Worldwide

The Occupy Wall Street protests appear to be spreading...not only to other U.S. cities, but to other countries.

International Occupy Day. Under the slogan "We are the 99 percent“
more than 8000 people protested in Berlin calling for more democracy
and the end of capitalism and financial greed.

Nationwide organizers counted more than 40.000 protesters. In
Frankfurt, 6000 people demonstrated at the headquarters of the
European Central Bank. Munich, Cologne, Hamburg and many more German
cities saw large demonstrations joined by thousands.

Protesters in Germany were inspired by the 'Occupy Wall Street
Movement' in the US, expressing their anger against corporatism,
poverty and social inequity.

Many more people than expected joined the largely peaceful protests
here in Germany. And surveys show that most Germans support the
movement. People here are convinced that this is only the beginning.

See it here;

Also there were violent protests in Rome. 

Violence broke out during the day in Rome as tens of thousands nicknamed "the indignant" marched in several European cities in protest against capitalism and austerity measures.

Black smoke billowed into the air in the centre of the Rome as a small group of violent protesters broke away from the main demonstration. They smashed shop windows, set vehicles on fire and assaulted two news crews. Others burned Italian and EU flags.

Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister, said that those responsible for the rash of violence would be identified and punished, calling the rioting "a very worrying sign for civil society ... they (radicals) must be condemned by everyone without reservation".

See it here;

You have to wonder if  "a very worrying sign for civil society..." is a foreshadowing of how the world is poised on the edge of coming many different ways.

Again, I am encouraged by Jesus' words that precede the rapture of the church, "People will eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage...", right up until the time of destruction which will occur during The Tribulation, meaning that life will be pretty much as normal until Christ comes for us.  So I continue to pray that the Bride of Christ WILL NOT SEE the calamity that seems to be prepared for planet earth.

Hat tip to Tom F.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that the US has leveled the recent accusations against Iran in a bid to overshadow the Occupy Wall Street protests that are growing into a global movement against capitalism.

    Khamenei talkes about the protest in 80- nations. I predict this is the death of capitalism. I wonder how much his fingers are in the planning pot.

    I have been doing some research on the movement. They seem to a coordination vector for the move Occupy wall street to occupy the world. Have a read on what their plan is.

    They are a spin off of the 15s meeting last month.
    You can see the minutes of the meeting here:

    The inner circle of the people that put the site together are very pro Palestine. I have been looking picture online of many of the protests. There is a theme of free Gaza and antisemitism.

    Their thought capital and slide ware is chilling. Glad we will be out of here by the time that this takes hold.


