
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Protests Will Bring Down USA

It appears that Iran was caught red-handed trying to blow up foreign diplomats on U.S. soil...which some are calling an act of war.  Remember, this isn't some plot by a few dudes....this was backed and paid for by the government of Iran.

Of course Iran is denying that anything this "childish" has ever taken place and believe that we are pointing fingers at them just to distract ourselves from our own internal problems....especially the Wall Street Protests.

Iran's supreme leader has told a mass rally that the Occupy Wall Street movement will bring down capitalism in America.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the US government could crack down, but would not be able to stop the movement.

Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless group of peaceful protests speaking out against corporate greed and economic inequality in the US.

The protests have spread to dozens of US cities and are in their fourth week.

"They [US officials] might be able to oppress the uprising," he said, according to a translation of the speech by BBC Monitoring.

"However, one day the developments will become so big that it will cause the capitalist system of the USA and West to collapse."

He said the world was at "a historical turn" and the West had reached a dead-end.

See it here;

How come all this talk of collapse?  It seems everywhere we turn there is talk of governments collapsing, currencies collapsing, markets collapsing, buildings collapsing, nuclear reactors collapsing, etc...

Also I think it is interesting that President Bush called Iraq, Iran, and North Korea "evil" when he was President...and the liberals went insane!  Now it is turning out to be true that Iran is up to mischief...and it's evil mischief at that!  They want a nuclear bomb and have already said they would use one on Israel and try to use one on the USA, and yet the liberals yawn.

It will be interesting to watch what kind of "strong message" the USA sends to Iran for all this mischief about blowing up diplomats.  I wonder if Obama will send them a strongly worded letter?

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