
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Syria Warns Whole Region Could Burn

I don't really believe I need to add too much commentary to this news article.

BEIRUT - Syrian President Bashar Assad warned against Western intervention in his country's 7-month-old uprising, saying such action would trigger an "earthquake" that "would burn the whole region."

Assad comments, published in an interview with Britain's Sunday Telegraph, were made against a backdrop of growing calls from anti-regime protesters for a no-fly zone over Syria and increasingly frequent clashes between government troops and army defectors, the latest of which left at least 30 troops dead Saturday.

"Syria is the hub now in this region. It is the fault line, and if you play with the ground you will cause an earthquake," Assad said. "Do you want to see another Afghanistan, or tens of Afghanistans?"

The unrest in Syria could send unsettling ripples through the region, as Damascus' web of alliances extends to Lebanon's powerful Hezbollah movement, the militant Palestinian Hamas and Iran's Shiite theocracy.

Unlike Gadhafi, Assad enjoys a number of powerful allies that give him the means to push back against the outside pressure. A conflict in Syria risks touching off a wider Middle East conflict with arch foes Israel and Iran in the mix. Syria wouldn't have to look far for prime targets to strike, sharing a border with U.S.-backed Israel and NATO-member Turkey.

See it here;

Remember, the Bible doesn't say the whole region will burn, like Assad is clearly says that Damascus will be utterly destroyed....and many prophecy watchers understand that it is Israel who will have some part in its destruction.

Have you noticed that the rhetoric and words are heating up?  Where there is smoke, there is fire.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Another Gem for your blog...

    The bounty has been raised to kidnap an Israeli solder.

    Saudi prince Khaled Al-Saud declared a financial reward of $900,000 for anyone capturing one Israeli soldier in order to swap him with Palestinian captives.


