
Sunday, October 2, 2011


Of course we have seen the unrest in Greece and the UK in recent weeks.  We have written about how the unrest in America will start as unemployment benefits start to run out and unemployment continues at a real rate of probably 20%.  And in today's headlines...maybe we are getting a tiny hint that it may start soon here?

700 arrested after protest on NY's Brooklyn Bridge

NEW YORK — Protesters speaking out against corporate greed and other grievances were maintaining a presence in Manhattan's Financial District even after more than 700 of them were arrested during a march on the Brooklyn Bridge in a tense confrontation with police.

The group Occupy Wall Street has been camped out in a plaza in Manhattan's Financial District for nearly two weeks staging various marches, and had orchestrated an impromptu trek to Brooklyn on Saturday afternoon. They walked in thick rows on the sidewalk up to the bridge, where some demonstrators spilled onto the roadway after being told to stay on the pedestrian pathway, police said.

The march shut down a lane of traffic for several hours on Saturday. The majority of those arrested were given citations for disorderly conduct and were released, police said.

See it here;

Wow...a tense confrontation with police...over corporate greed. People are starting to get the idea that if someone made a bunch of money while they didn' must be someones fault.  Now maybe that's true and maybe it's not...but the fact remains that many folks are going to start to get extremely angry and they will need to direct their anger at something other than themselves.

Could unrest really start here in America?....I think we are about to find out.

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