
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

As Easy as an EMP

A few years ago we posted an article from the WSJ written by the top missile defense expert in the USA.  He said VERY CLEARLY that an EMP attack on the U.S. would most likely wipe out the USA as we know it....and that the economic collapse here would most likely spread to the rest of The Western nations.  And life as we know it would be over.

When the article was published, no one talked about it because it was totally ignored in favor of Brittney Spears announcing her new world tour.

Today we find this article repeating much of the same information.

WASHINGTON -- Pentagon estimates show that Iran could have missiles capable of reaching the East Coast of the United States by the year 2015.

If the Iranians acquire a nuclear bomb, they might be able to cripple their "Great Satan" even sooner through an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, attack off America's coastline.

"Within a year of an EMP event, at least two-thirds of the American population would perish from starvation, disease, and societal collapse. It's a high-tech means of killing people the old fashioned way," Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, president of EMPact America, explained.

A nuclear weapon detonated above the U.S. would emit powerful electromagnetic pulses, frying America's electrical grid and shutting down necessities from cars to computers to airplanes and refrigerators.

Iranian military handbooks point out the benefits of such an attack. Russia, China, and North Korea also possess EMP technology.

Pry, a member of the congressional EMP Commission, said America could plunge back into the 19th century, with Katrina-like chaos nationwide.

"A single nuclear weapon will cause the collapse of the electric power grid, all the critical infrastructures and other electronic systems across the entire continental United States and basically cause a permanent blackout," he told CBN News.

Remember that Jesus told us that if the days of The Tribulation were not cut short by His return to earth that NO FLESH would survive the carnage.

It appears that humans are getting the stage set to make Jesus prove those words.

Our blessed hope is that we will be CAUGHT UP IN THE CLOUDS to meet Him in the air before these tragic events unfold.

Come Lord Jesus!

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