
Sunday, November 20, 2011

If You Have Any Doubt

We all remember that the Arab Spring started in Tunisia.  We were hopeful that it may lead to some human rights reforms and after the people were freed from their repressive regimes that peace, love and hope would be the result.

Lest you have any doubts about how wrong this hope was....lets got to back to Tunisia and see what some of the leaders are saying.

Notice that the focus is now EVEN MORE on Jerusalem.

What??  What the heck do these poor folks in Tunisia care about what is going on in Israel.

Simply put, Satan wants it for his own....and worshipers of Allah have a supernatural covetousness for the city that God called His own.

Watch video clip here;

Remember friends...this in only going to get worse, not better.  The Arab Spring is now going to be the Arab Winter.  The unrest is only going to grow.  Many Muslims in these lands believe that now is their time to soon rule the world....and followers of Jesus or the Jews will have no part in their planned kingdom.

Hat tip to Tom F.

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