
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Israel Won't Inform Obama Before Strike

It appears that the "special relationship" between Israel and USA has been coming apart...and if this article is true, then I would say it has officially fractured.  Israel must know that talking to Iran isn't going to accomplish one thing and have now realized it will be up to them alone to attempt to stop Iran from going nuclear and holding the free world hostage.

ISRAEL has refused to reassure President Barack Obama that it would warn him of a pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear infrastructure, raising fears that it may be planning an attack as early as the next northern summer.

The US leader was rebuffed when he demanded private guarantees that a strike would not go ahead without White House notification, suggesting that Israel no longer plans to ''seek Washington's permission'', sources said.

The disclosure, by insiders briefed on a secret meeting between America's most senior defence chief and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, comes amid concerns that Iran's progress towards nuclear weapons means Israel has lost hope for a diplomatic solution.

Officially, his brief was restricted to the Middle East peace process, but the most important part of his mission was a private meeting with Mr Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak. Once all but a handful of trusted staff had left the room, Mr Panetta conveyed an urgent message from Mr Obama. The President, Mr Panetta said, wanted an unshakable guarantee that Israel would not carry out a unilateral military strike against Iran's nuclear installations without first seeking Washington's clearance.

The two Israelis were notably evasive in their response, according to sources both in Israel and America.

''They did not suggest that military action was being planned or was imminent, but neither did they give any assurances that Israel would first seek Washington's permission, or even inform the White House in advance that a mission was under way,'' one said.

Alarmed by Mr Netanyahu's noncommittal response, Mr Obama reportedly ordered the US intelligence services to step up monitoring of Israel to glean clues of its intentions.

Read more:

So now we have gone from having a special telephone between the two countries to having Obama tell our CIA to watch Israel very closely to see if we can "glean clues".

Holy deterioration!!  That sure all fell apart fast.  It shouldn't surprise us because we know that Israel will be all alone in the Last Days...but I was hoping we would be tight with Israel up until the rapture doomed America.

Stay tuned to see how this story ends. 

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