
Friday, November 18, 2011

Stage is Set for Nuclear War

We would sure agree with Congresswoman Bachmann that the stage is being set...we hope it is being set for the return of Christ...and we hope that we won't be around to witness the carnage that is being prepared.

Check out the headlines from a few days ago;

Bachmann: Stage set for nuclear war against Israel 

 Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann says developments in the Middle East are setting the stage for nuclear war against Israel.      

In a Republican debate Saturday, Bachmann warned that Iran's attempt to develop a nuclear weapon is part of a regional push against Israel. She said Iran is working with countries like Syria and groups like Hamas to push its agenda.

That means "the table is being set for worldwide nuclear war against Israel," she said.

Bachmann criticized President Barack Obama's approach to managing the U.S. relationship with the Jewish state.


A "worldwide nuclear war against Israel".....that sounds really serious.  Of course we do know that the Bible says the day is coming when the world will gather against Israel and with one mind they will seek to destroy her that the name of Israel will be remembered no more.

Of course the media will ridicule Bachmann for her statements, and while I have my doubts about her becoming president...she actually does understand the role of Israel and Bible prophecy.

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