
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Threat or Scare Tactic?

The polls coming out of Israel show that the population is strongly behind a military attack on Iran to stop its nuclear ambitions.

JERUSALEM — The Israeli government would have significant support at home for an Israeli military strike against Iran's nuclear program, according to a poll published Thursday.

The poll was released following reports that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to persuade Cabinet ministers to authorize such a strike and after Israel successfully tested a missile thought capable of carrying a nuclear warhead to Iran.

Forty-one percent of those questioned by the Dialog polling institute said they would back an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, which many Israelis believe were built to produce bombs.

Here it is;

So Israel succesfully tested a nuclear missile to Iran....that's helpful, except I remember a quote from one of the powerful Imam's from Iran saying they would sacrifice 50,000,000 Muslims if it meant the destruction of Israel.  It's kind of hard to deter someone who actually loves death.

But another article is asking whether Israel is serious about an assualt on Iran or if it is just bluffing and trying to scare Iran.  Remember that USA did transfer 55 bunker buster bombs to I'm guessing they are locked and loaded.

Will they or won’t they? That’s the question bedevilling Israelis this week, wondering whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak will actually launch a military strike on Iran aimed at setting back Tehran’s suspected development of nuclear weapons.

There’s no doubt they’d like to, but for every argument as to why Israel should stage such a large-scale, long-distance raid, there are half a dozen good reasons why it shouldn’t.

Newspapers and electronic media have been full of speculation ever since apparent leaks from Mr. Netanyahu’s cabinet revealed that the Prime Minister and Mr. Barak were attempting to win the support of the majority of the government’s eight-member inner, security cabinet. It seems, these leaked reports said, that Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has decided to support the option of a unilateral attack.

On Wednesday there was the test-firing of a new, long-range ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead as far as Iran; there also came the news that Israeli fighter jets had recently staged aerial refuelling exercises over the Mediterranean; and on Thursday, a major civil defence drill was held in Tel Aviv, with citizens and emergency crews simulating a missile attack on the city. All this, people believe, points to the likelihood of an attack.


Will they attack or won't they?  Who knows?  What I do know is that wars and rumors of wars are in the news EVERY SINGLE DAY regarding the tiny country of Israel...and this is our sign, as believers, to keep looking up.

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