
Monday, December 26, 2011

Americans Say They are Better Off Than Their Parents

I have an I Phone that has an app on it called Fluent News.  It's a headline news service where I can check headline news.

The top headline when I just turned it on was this;
Poll: Americans Better Off Than Their Parents

A majority of Americans said they were better off financially than their parents were at the same age, although older adults were more positive about their wealth than younger people were, according to a Gallup poll.

Of 1,012 adults surveyed, 69 percent said they're better off financially than their parents, down from the 74 percent who said so in 1998, the last time Gallup asked this question.

"Most Americans still think they are doing better financially than their parents did when they were the same age," Elizabeth Mendes, deputy managing editor at Gallup, wrote in a blog post. "This is positive news, given the difficult state of the U.S. economy over the past several years -- with millions of Americans seeing their home values deteriorate and jobs evaporate."

Homes in the U.S. are expected to lose $681 billion in value in 2011, according to Zillow. Meanwhile, the national unemployment rate is 8.6 percent, the lowest this year but still higher than many economists had hoped. Unemployment has remained persistently high since the recession began in 2008, with the country witnessing the longest stretch the jobless rate has stayed over 8 percent since 1948.


Now let's imagine if Gallup took a poll and asked, "Spiritually speaking, are you better off than your parents?"

I wonder how the answers would differ?  It certainly makes me wonder if it wouldn't be revealed that each passing generation has been turning away from the "fear of the Lord"....and so has been losing wisdom with every passing decade.  We may have more technology than our forefathers and more material wealth....but I wonder if we aren't starving to death from Spiritual hunger...and only a hunger that the Holy Spirit endowed by Jesus Christ can satisfy.

Also notice the last sentence about how unemployment has been above 8% for the longest stretch since 1948.  What happened in 1948 that rocked the world??  Israel became a nation!...and as long as we blessed her existence our economy has been blessed....but now that we may be turning against her and pressuring her to divide the land...our economy may also be losing it's blessing.

Just a coincidence??  You decide.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Hope things are well on your end. Here is one for the blog...

    British Islamist Anjem Choudary Releases 2011 Christmas Message: Christmas is Evil; 'Jesus will Return One Day and He Will Break the Cross and He Will pray Behind the Muslims and He Will Declare…He Believes in the Finality of the Messenger Muhammad'

    You know I tend to agree with him. When Prophet Isa returns and denies that he is son of god and demands all worship the true savior of mankind or die... Well we will be out of here by then.


