
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ark of the Covenant in the News

Remember the Ark of the Covenant that has been lost for about 3000 years and was central to Temple worship in Jerusalem during Solomon's reign?

Well, it's now back in the news.

A very British problem of a leaky church roof could be about to give the world the chance to glimpse the legendary Ark of the Covenant.

That's because the claimed home of the iconic relic - a small chapel in Ethiopia - has sprung a leak and so the Ark could now be on the move.

The Ark - which The Bible says holds God's Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai - is said to have been kept in Aksum, in the Chapel of the Tablet, adjacent to St Mary of Zion Church, since the 1960s.

According to the Old Testament, it was first kept in the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem for centuries until a Babylonian invasion in the 6th century BC.

No one has been allowed to see the holy object, described in scripture as being made from acacia wood, plated with gold and topped with two golden angels, except one solitary elderly monk, who must watch over the Ark for the remainder of his life, and is never allowed to leave the chapel grounds.

But now the chapel - which was designed by the Ethiopian leader Emperor Hailie Selassie - has had to be covered in a tarpaulin to stop rain getting in.

The water damage could mean the Ark will be moved for the first time in decades giving religious worshippers and adventurers alike a chance to see it.

Read more:

Of course we don't know if this is truly THEE Ark....but it is an interesting headline all the same. 

The Jews believe that the Ark will be recovered in the Last Days as the Messiah approaches.

The Muslims believe that the 12th Imam (Mahdi) will recover the Ark when he returns to earth to dominate all non-Muslims and usher in Sharia Law all over the world.

One thing for sure....Billions of people worldwide believe SOMETHING EPIC is going on.  We just need to hold on to the firm foundation of Jesus Christ and stay focused on ETERNAL things...because the temporal things of this earth are passing away and will soon be revealed as the mist that they actually are.  Only the UNSEEN things are real....the SEEN things are temporary.

Hat tip to Tom F.


  1. So today Iran's Leader puts the Iranian military on alert and the country on a war footing.

    Here in this country Obama is urging US lawmakers to soften Iran sanctions.

    Wow, what message is being sent here?



  2. Hi Dennis,

    There are Rumors of a Creeping Military Coup in Pakistan.

    If the military takes control our southern supply lines into Afghanistan could be compromised.

    As far as the northern supply lines Russia said it may not let Nato use its territory to supply troops in Afghanistan if the alliance doesn’t seriously consider its objections to a US-led missile shield for Europe.

    Sarcasm: Well to the west is Iran and East is China. At least we got that going for us.


