
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Britain Chooses Isolation

The Euro Union got together in one last ditch effort to formulate a plan to stop their break up and Britain decided they just couldn't be a part of it.  Needless to say, Britain is now the odd man out...and it won't be comfortable for them being in Europe anymore.

After the deed was done, some leaders didn't want to shake his hand. French President Nicolas Sarkozy walked right by him, as if he wasn't there.

David Cameron, the British prime minister, had become Europe's outcast.

His sin? Rejecting an invitation to join 26 European partners in a tighter financial alliance to save the euro, making Britain odd man out at a time of deep financial peril, and raising doubts about whether Britain can realistically remain a member of the European Union.

"There is now little point in Britain staying in the EU," said MacShane, who was a minister in Tony Blair's generally pro-Europe Labour Party government. "It is an historic turning point and Britain might as well get out now, as Europe's future will be settled without us."

Unprecedented prosperity has flowed from its single market and its free movement of workers across borders. Integration accelerated in the past two decades with the development of a single currency, but now the euro's survival is under threat as the continent's debt woes spin out of control.

The EU is today so intertwined that even member countries like Britain that do not use the euro would plunge into deep and prolonged recession if the currency broke up. That's a sobering reality that helped persuade 26 of 27 member states to consider big sacrifices of national sovereignty to keep the European dream alive.


Ahh yes....let's keep that dream alive!  The dream of no more wars, the dream of borrowing money and never having to pay it back, the dream that Germans care as much for Greeks as they care about their own country, the dream that you can control your country when some other central bank controls your currency and essentially your budget.  That's quite a dream!

It appears more and more likely that this dream will ultimately end in a nightmare and maybe Britain saw this and realized they better wake up and get out before the nightmare starts.

We will need to keep watching this situation closely as this WILL affect us all.

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