
Friday, December 16, 2011

Return of the Nephilim

Anyone who has talked to me in the past 5 years knows that I have been pretty interested in the supernatural Genesis 6 passage that refers to the nephilim...when fallen angels took women, had sex with them and produced a perverted race of beings, some of which were giants.

Yesterday I found an article by a major writer in the prophetic field...and the article is on the return of the nephilim.  This writer is also of the understanding that what the world is seeing as "UFO's and space aliens" are actually a Satanic plan of deception and that they are actually demons and/or strange flesh of human/hybrid beings which will be used to delude the earth.

Currently Satan, his hoard of fallen angels, and the demons of old are poised on the brink of facilitating the most startling phenomenon the world will ever witness; the Bible calls it a “strong delusion”. The race is on; it’s a race against time itself. Not one of the multitudes of malevolent supernatural beings, or any human for that matter, has a clue as to when Satan’s time will run out. But there are certainly indications that humanity has entered its final phase, which portends that Satan’s last days are here. Satan can see the same things we see, except he sees them with an urgency the rest of us can’t even comprehend. Satan is responsible for the evil which will bring about much of the catastrophic occurrences on planet earth in the last days.

Satan has an agenda which includes a massive amount of deception and a bit of public exposure to pique the interest of a few, yet maintaining his agenda in the realm of science fiction for the moment. In the meantime scary things are happening – the appearance of ghosts/demons, “space” aliens, unexplained animal mutilations, etc. All of these weird occurrences are burgeoning. The world is moving into chilling, unexplored territory. Yet people seem to have no fear of the aforementioned occurrences. Why is that? Because we’ve been desensitized through some entertaining Hollywood movies, and the exploitation of the paranormal.

Here’s the rub, the human race is being setup for the last day’s delusion. Everything is falling perfectly into place. The brunt of the delusion won’t be fully in place until the “Church” is in Heaven. There’s no doubt that what’s currently occurring all over the world points to a worldwide deception. To some of us who have been given discernment, Satan’s attempt at deluding the public is obvious. “…the son of perdition. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God...”
2 Thessalonians 2:3b-4a. This son of perdition is ready to be revealed, his only hindrance is the Holy Spirit indwelt Church.

Holy dang demon spawns!!  They are getting ready for some big mass deception and it appears to be about 100% certain that the major part of the deception will come after the Holy Spirit is withdrawn in the rapture. 

So what the world is seeing today, in increased UFO sightings, is simply the tip of the iceberg as to what is coming.  And these increased sightings are simply preparing the world to believe in "aliens" when Satan does send the demons in disguise...the world will accept them and believe every lie they say.

Sounds like a Hollywood science fiction movie being played out right in front of us....and the climax of the movie has yet to be revealed.  How bizarre?  How strange?  How scary is that?  How exciting is that?

Again, I agree with the writer of the article when he says, "The brunt of the delusion won’t be fully in place until the “Church” is in Heaven."  That means this Satanic trap of aliens won't fully snap until AFTER THE RAPTURE!!

So if the UFO's are appearing around the world every close may we be to the rapture?? 

We have a lot of work to do let's work while it is still daylight!!  "Encourage each other with these words."

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