
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What Has God Got to do With it?

Scientist at the big particle collider are trying to figure out the huge mystery of what holds all the atoms together in the universe?  They don't know what it is and they certainly can't explain it.

You and I know that it is the creative power of Jesus Christ that holds all things together...because the Bible says so. "In Him and through Him all things were made."  But of course most scientists have no time for God.

So it is interesting that the top headline on Google News today is a discussion about the "God particle".  Notice the disdain and disgust that these learned men and women have for any discussion of a higher power.

"I hate that 'God particle' term," said Pauline Gagnon, a Canadian member of CERN's ATLAS team of so-called "Higgs hunters" - an epithet they do not reject.

"The Higgs is not endowed with any religious meaning. It is ridiculous to call it that," she told Reuters at a news conference after her colleagues revealed growing evidence, albeit not yet proof, of the particle's existence.

Oliver Buchmueller, from the rival research team CMS, was a little less trenchant.

"Calling it the 'God particle' is completely inappropriate," said the German physicist, who divides his time between CERN and teaching at London's Imperial College.

"It's not doing justice to the Higgs and what we think its role in the universe is. It has nothing to do with God."


Isaiah 29:14
Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish.”

It sure appears that the wise men looking for the God particle are fitting into what Isaiah saw coming.

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