
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Angry Muslims Kill 178 in Nigeria

Of course we know that many Muslims are angry.  This is evident by the fruit Islam is bearing all over the world.  Hundreds of folks have been killed in Iraq in just the last few weeks when angry Muslims strap bombs to themselves and step into a marketplace and blow themselves up.

Egypt just used the people's vote to elect a wide majority of angry Muslims to high office.

Afghanistan is full of angry Muslims called the Taliban who are doing the worst stuff to each other all over the country.

Syria is full of angry Muslims who have randomly shot over 5000 people in the past few months simply demanding a little better treatment.  But of course this is child's play compared to an entire city that was murdered by poison gas in 1982 by the father of the guy who is currently in charge of the killing.

The list goes on and on and on.

Today the angry Muslims have struck again....and this time it's in Nigeria.

Islamist insurgents kill over 178 in Nigeria's Kano

(Reuters) - Gun and bomb attacks by Islamist insurgents in the northern Nigerian city of Kano last week killed at least 178 people, a hospital doctor said on Sunday, underscoring the daunting challenge President Goodluck Jonathan now faces to prevent his country sliding further into chaos.

A coordinated series of bomb blasts and shooting sprees mostly targeting police stations on Friday sent panicked residents of Nigeria's second biggest city of more than 10 million people running for cover.

The scale of the carnage makes this by far the deadliest strike claimed by Boko Haram, a shadowy Islamist sect that started out as a clerical movement opposed to western education but has become the biggest security menace facing Africa's top oil producer.


So now we have another name of another angry Muslim group....this one is called Boko Haram.  What are they so mad about?  The same thing as the Taliban.....they don't want anyone in Nigeria to get a western education....which is Reuters-speak for "they don't want anyone to learn how to read."

You see, much of Islam is so contradictory of itself that if Muslims learn how to read, they may find out for themselves how bogus the religion it's important to keep the majority ignorant and illiterate.  That way the Imam can simply TELL everyone what Allah has demanded.  And if you have been brainwashed into believing the lies that tell the tales of Allah and Muhammad since you were a little have no way to question anything because you can't read for yourself.

How different from what the Apostle Paul told us.  He told us listen to what our teachers and preachers tell us and then go home and study the scriptures ourselves to verify that what we were told lines up with the Word of God.

Jesus told us, "You will know them by the fruit they bare."  Isn't it becoming obvious what the fruit of Islam is?....and who it is who powers this religion of contradictions and lies?

Friends, these people are lost in lies.  We need to pray like never before for that the Truth of Jesus Christ will find them and tear them off the current road they are on...."Wide is the road that leads to destruction and MANY will be on it."

I know it is hard to read headlines like this one and NOT start to feel anger towards the people that are doing these heinous things...but please remember that ALL HAVE SINNED and fall short of the Glory of God.  We were also enemies of God until Christ chose US to deliver from the wide road of destruction that we were running on.  So hate Satan who is the father of all these lost souls but don't hate the people who are simply operating as children of the devil.

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