
Friday, January 6, 2012

Biggest Defense Drill EVER!

I just got done posting on the most evers...EVER!....and turn to the Israel news and see this:

U.S. and Israel Preparing for ‘Biggest Defense Drill Ever’

IDF and U.S. forces will team up soon for a major missile defense exercise, “the biggest one ever” according to military sources.
The Israeli military is gearing up together with U.S. forces for a major missile defense exercise, the IDF announced Thursday.
The Associated Press reported that the “Austere Challenge 12” drill is designed to improve defense systems and cooperation between the U.S. and Israeli forces.
“Defending against an attack is not something that you improvise from today to tomorrow,” Van Creveld told AP. “It’s something you have to prepare, you have to rehearse, you have to prepare for. This, among other things, is an exercise to show Iran, the people in Tehran, that Israel and the United States are ready to counterattack.
How is a guy supposed to keep up on all these EVERS!!  

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