
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Israeli Cyber War Heats Up

Yesterday we posted how an Arab computer hacker had disrupted the Israeli stock market and the airlines.  Today we are hearing that Israeli hackers have hacked into some Arab sites.

Let the cyber wars begin??

Hackers in Israel and other Middle Eastern countries are in the middle of a cyberwar that has led to disruptions of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, several Israeli banks, and an airline. As a result, some Israeli banks have blocked or are threatening to block international access to their sites to avoid attack.

Hackers identifying themselves as "Israel Defense Forces" threatened in a Pastebin post to attack three Arab Emirate banks, two government sites, Saudi Airlines, and an airport site today, but the sites were accessible midday. However, other sites were inaccessible, including in Saudi Arabia.

OxOmar has threatened to publicly reveal credit card data for 200 Israelis every day, if the attacks on Israeli sites don't stop, according to Ynet. He also has called on Arab hackers to unite in attacking Israeli sites.

Meanwhile, Israel will respond to cyberattacks the way it does violent "terrorist" acts, by striking back with force against attackers, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Dany Ayalon said January 7, following the release of the credit card data, according to Agence France-Presse.


Where is this all heading??  If nations can hack into and disrupt other nations commerce and attack their financial life blood...when could this turn into a shooting war?

Ultimately, we know where this is's heading to a place where there will be a one world government and and one world Internet system...where everyone will need to take the mark of the beast to buy or sell anything on the coming global cyber system.

Pray that we can escape that coming day.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Yep,cyber war is now publicaly being acknowledged. Whats the chance of a shooting war to follow.

    Here is an article from the persian press today. 'Iran war could end life on earth'

    When you read it and consider the reverence to Russia and China it fits a biblical pattern.

    Some serious war talk in both the Persian and Arab press over the last few weeks.

    If Iran makes a play to close the gulf I suspect that there will be shooting.



  2. From the Times of India.

    MOSCOW: Russia on Wednesday warned that a military strike on Iran would be a "catastrophe" with the severest consequences which risked inflaming existing tensions between Sunni and Shiite Muslims.

    Humm, just like in the Hadith. I am thinking that the Shia Islamits take this as a positive development reading the transcripts of Persian Friday prayers.


