
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Jordan Considers Sanctions on Israel

Remember that what we call "Jordan" today was where the Ammonites and Moabites dwelt during Old Testament times.  We keep a close eye on Jordan today because the Bible makes reference to that land area in yet to be fulfilled prophecies.

Also remember that following WWI when the Ottomans (Turks) were defeated, the victorious allies carved up the old Ottoman empire (to the victor go the spoils) which included Palestine, and they carved it into their idea of what would become a two state solution.  To the west of the Jordan river was supposed to be where the Jews were to dwell and to the east of the Jordan river was where the Arab state was supposed to be... first called Transjordan.

Of course this is a VERY simplified explanation as the borders and boundaries shifted and changed over the next 30 years before Israel ultimately declared themselves a nation in 1948 and the Arabs have been fighting them on it ever since.

And today we find that the relations between Israel and Jordan may be about to sour even more.

Jordan's King Abdullah alluded to a possible deterioration in Amman's relationship with Jerusalem if unless Israel will "demonstrate it is willing to make considerable moves" to reignite the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace process, the Al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper reported Wednesday.

According to the London-based Arab publication, Abdullah expected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government to "make significant concessions which will allow the Palestinian leadership to justify their return to the negotiating table."

The papers sources said that the king has "three aces up his sleeves," which he may choose to use if Israel proves "stuborn," including the possible reduction or suspension of the diplomatic ties between Israel and Jordan, while possibly bolstering ties with both the Jordanian Opposition and even Iran.


What a mess!  If the Jordanians start boosting their ties with Iran and publicly throw in with the Iranian regime who almost daily threatens the destruction of the Jews and Israel.....we could be moving into "Defcon 10" territory...and the drums of war will start beating even louder than they already are.

1 O God, do not remain silent;
do not turn a deaf ear,
do not stand aloof, O God.
2 See how your enemies growl,
how your foes rear their heads.
3 With cunning they conspire against your people;
they plot against those you cherish.
4 “Come,” they say, “let us destroy them as a nation,
so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.”

5 With one mind they plot together;
they form an alliance against you—
6 the tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites,
of Moab and the Hagrites,
7 Byblos, Ammon and Amalek,
Philistia, with the people of Tyre.
8 Even Assyria has joined them
to reinforce Lot’s descendants.
   Psalm 83

Wow....looks like all the named players of Psalm 83 have come on stage and now the pressure is building as they all conspire with one mind to figure out how to get rid of Israel.

Stay tuned for the finale.

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