
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Libya Heads Towards 'Bottomless Pit'

The leader of Libya, Qaddafi, is now dead and in the ground.  He was a madman and few people question that.  Simply one more example of how Islam seems incapable of electing or having any decent governments that produce anything of global value.

So it appeared to be good news when he was routed and killed....and a few days of hope sprung up as we watched the people throw off their shackles....but it was only for a few days.

And now we have this.....

The deputy head of Libya’s ruling National Transitional Council (NTC) said on Sunday he was resigning after a series of protests against the new government which the country’s leader warned could drag Libya into “bottomless pit.”

On Sunday, around 4,000 students protested against the deputy head of the NTC, Abdel Hafiz Ghoga, at the University of Ghar Yunis in the former rebel stronghold, an AFP correspondent reported.

Speaking to reporters at a hotel in Benghazi, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, the head of Libya’s NTC, warned the protests risked undermining the country’s already fragile stability.

“We are going through a political movement that can take the country to a bottomless pit,” he said. “There is something behind these protests that is not for the good of the country.”

“The people have not given the government enough time and the government does not have enough money. Maybe there are delays, but the government has only been working for two months. Give them a chance, at least two months.”


We will continue watching this fragile country because they are one of the main players in the Ezekiel 38 coalition.

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