
Thursday, January 5, 2012

More Evidence

It seems that almost every month there is new evidence surfacing that proves that the Bible is true...and that the Jews are in fact exactly who they say they are and that they lived in the Holy Land exactly as the Bible promises.

This is in spite of what all the Muslims are saying...who deny that the Jews ever had a temple in Jerusalem and that the Jews are simply squatting on Arab land.

Today we have more evidence emerging.

Second Temple Seal Found in Jerusalem Excavation

Israeli archaeologists have announced the discovery of a rare clay seal – likely used to certify the purity of ritual objects used in the Second Temple – at an excavation site under the Old City of Jerusalem.The coin-sized seal, measuring about two centimeters in diameter, bears two Aramaic words meaning “pure for God.”

It is the first “direct archaeological evidence of activity on the Temple Mount and the workings of the Temple during the Second Temple period,” according to the Israel Antiquities Authority.

The rare seal was unearthed at the City of David excavation site just outside the Temple Mount compound. Last month, archaeologists found four bronze coins stamped around 17 A.D. by the Roman official Valerius Gratus during an excavation at the site.


I almost get the idea that God, in His infinite mercy, is saying, "Even though I have given you plenty of evidence to believe, I will continue giving you even more right up until the time I send my Son to collect his bride.  That way NO MAN will have an excuse on judgment day."

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