
Monday, January 30, 2012

Russia to Block Syria Vote

The government of Syria continues to butcher its people.  Yesterday they killed another 58 which now brings the count up close to 5000 that they have killed since the uprising started.

A few weeks ago the Arabs decided they needed to do something to try to stop the they sent in some "observers".  Now the observers have left because their presence didn't seem to slow down the violence.

So now the Arabs need to call in the The West and ask everyone else to fix their Arab problems...meaning they are going to go to the United Nations.  But Russia has said they will veto any attempt by the UN to stop the Syrian government from killing people.

Well of course they will!! Russia has HUGE investments in Syria...particularly the deep water port that Russia just built in Syria where they can rest their naval fleet....right off the coast of Israel!  Plus Russia has shipped lots of military equipment to they are protecting their customers.  Makes perfect business sense.

Russia has said it will block a draft UN Security Council resolution calling for a transfer of power in Syria because it "leaves open the possibility of intervention" in Syria's affairs.

The US, the UK and France are lobbying on behalf of the Arab League's draft text, which calls for President Bashar al-Assad to hand power to a deputy.

The White House said Mr Assad had lost control of Syria, adding "he will go".

But Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister said the text was "not balanced".

Meanwhile, fighting in Syria continued as government troops bombarded the central city of Homs. Heavy machine gun fire was reported in the restive Bab Amr district.

At least 225 tank shells were fired at the suburbs of Damascus, activists said.

The Local Co-ordination Committees, a network of anti-government groups, said 58 people were killed on Monday.


Let's review;....A few weeks ago Russia said that any invasion of Iran will be treated as an attack on Moscow.  And now today we have Russia standing up for the bloody regime in Syria.  Of course BOTH IRAN AND SYRIA would love to destroy Israel...and now they have Russian backing.

You sure have to look at Ezekiel 38 again and wonder if the "hooks in your jaws" that God speaks of that literally PULL Russia into a conflict with Israel, have now been identified?  Israel really has no choice but to stand up to bombing Iran could commence any day...which could draw in Russia.  Also it would appear that Damascus may be destroyed by Israel according to Isaiah 17...and when either one of these events happen....Russia will be drawn into conflict with Israel.

 1 The word of the LORD came to me: 2 “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, (Russia/Old Soviet satellite nations) the chief prince of Meshek and Tubal; prophesy against him 3 and say: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am against you, Gog, chief prince of Meshek and Tubal. 4 I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army

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