
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Russia Warns of 'Very Big War'

The rumors and talks of war have been increasing. 

Question;  Does it seem that long ago when the world had NOTHING to talk about except Bill Clinton having oral sex with Monica Lewinsky and tech stocks were up 40% per year, people were retiring at age 50 if they played their bonuses and stock options right, two homes were all the rage with massive home equity in both to use as piggy banks....the world seemed like a perfect consumer paradise!!  We were SO ENJOYING our peace dividend brought to us courtesy of the Soviet Union collapse.

What the heck happened?  Has our god of Mammon fallen down on the job??  How come he hasn't come back to fix all the things that are troubling Western civilization?  Doesn't he care that we are all still upside down on our houses?!  And all this money strife is making us restless!

And now Russia says this;

Western intervention in Arab Spring could end in 'very big war,' Russia warns       

Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, warned Wednesday that outside encouragement of antigovernment uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa could lead to “a very big war that will cause suffering not only to countries in the region, but also to states far beyond its boundaries.”   

Mr. Lavrov’s annual news conference was largely devoted to a critique of Western policies in Iran and Syria, which he said could lead to a spiral of violence. 

Mr. Lavrov said foreign governments were arming “militants and extremists” in Syria, and he gave a bristling response to Susan E. Rice, the American ambassador to the United Nations, who on Tuesday expressed concern about possible Russian arms shipments to Syria.

“We don’t find it necessary to explain or justify anything,” Mr. Lavrov said. “We are only trading goods with Syria that are not prohibited by international law.” 

Relations between Moscow and Washington have worsened over the past year, as the cordial tone of the “reset” between President Obama and President Dmitri A. Medvedev has been replaced by a drumbeat of criticism. Mr. Lavrov said that Russia and the United States were not adversaries, and that “the cold war ended a long time ago.” By contrast, however, he was glowing about Russia’s cooperation with China, which he said was “the highest in the history of our bilateral relationship.”  


Dang reset button!  I know Obama told us he was going to push it with EVERYONE who had come to dislike the United States....and after three years in office he can't seem to find that elusive button! 

In fact I'm beginning to wonder if he didn't actually hit the 'respect' button and accidentally turned it off so that the whole world is beginning to question our integrity, resolve and power....and so rumors of war are everywhere as the nations of the world are now realizing that there is a new world order looming...and they better get ready to kick some butt to claim their desired piece of the pie.

A new sheriff is coming to town....and it's not going to be the USA.

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