
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Turkey to Broadcast Pro Holocaust Film

We already know that in the past few years that Hitler's book, Mien Kempf, has been a bestseller in Turkey and other Arab today's headline shouldn't really come as a surprise.

Turkey to broadcast pro-Holocaust film

Sponsored by the Paris-based Aladdin Project, the nine-hour-plus documentary is directed by Claude Lanzmann and has never been completely shown in a Muslim country.

Shoah mostly consists of interviews with those who claim to be Holocaust-survivors, exploring the alleged killing of European Jews in Nazi death camps during the World War II.

Turkey's move can be considered as controversial and unacceptable since Muslim nations hold that Holocaust believers have lost touch with the reality and that western governments are using the saga to play the role of innocent victims.

A French court fined author Roger Garaudy $20,000 in 1998, for questioning the Nazi Holocaust during the World War II.

The French scholar was convicted of challenging crimes against humanity and of racial libel.

In his book The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics, Garaudy argued that Hitler's killing of the Jews could not be described as genocide.

He also questioned whether gas chambers were used for mass slaughter.


Did you notice the phrase, "...alleged killing"? is now not a fact but simply alleged?

Remember what General Eisenhower told the U.S. troops who were ordered to film the liberation and clean up of Nazi concentration camps, "I want to get this all on film because one day in the future some son of a bitch is going to say this never happened."

It would appear that numerous sons of bitches have all showed up in the last few years....and Holocaust denial is now upon us as anti-Semitism continues to rise.

Hat tip to Tom F.

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