
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

World Remains Silent

When Germany started killing Jews by the thousands...many in the West remained silent.  Some simply refused to believe that a story of that magnitude could be possible.

And as long as the world remained silent, the Nazis continued to ramp up their plans of a world free from Jews.

It makes one wonder if history is beginning to repeat itself.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took advantage of a special plenary meeting to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day to address the threats to Israel's existence.

"70 years after the Holocaust, much of the world remains silent in the face of Iran's declared intent to wipe Israel off the earth," Netanyahu said.

"Much of the world are silent in the face of calls by Hizbullah for the destruction of Israel, and its continued murderous activities. Many remain silent in the face of calls by Hamas to kill Jews wherever they are.

"These are days when most of the governments of the world remain silent in the face of cries of Palestinian Muftis to kill Jews wherever they are. Where is the condemnation of the Mufti? Not the Mufti of history, but the Mufti of today?

"The Iranian regime openly calls for Israel's destruction, is planning the destruction of Israel, and is working daily to destroy Israel. The lesson says should spur the world to action," Netanyahu said.

Iran has referred to Israel as "a one bomb state"


Of course Bible readers realize that what is happening is just one more Satanic plan to kill God's Holy people....hoping he can derail God's prophetic word regarding the future of Israel and the Jews....but since the vast majority of the world refuses to fear the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...they will find it simply impossible to connect the dots of what is happening.

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