
Thursday, February 23, 2012

"Death to Obama"

By now you probably all have heard the news that the Muslims in Afghanistan are extremely mad over some burnings of the Koran.  The U.S. military base is closed and thousands of Muslims are rioting and shooting rocks from sling shots at the soldiers on the base.  And sadly, more people are dying in the upheaval.

It's not a surprise that the Muslims are angry...they are always angry over something...but it is surprising that they are yelling, "death to Obama!".  I thought he had pushed the RESET button with the Muslim world?

At least another eight people have been killed, including two Nato soldiers, in violence across Afghanistan, after the burning of the Koran at a US base.

Many others were injured in the protests, while armed men also attacked at least two military installations.

US President Barack Obama has sent his Afghan counterpart Hamid Karzai a letter of apology for the burnings.

Crowds shouting "death to Obama" have been throwing stones and setting fire to the US flag.

Mr Obama's letter, delivered by the US ambassador to Afghanistan, assured the Afghan president that US authorities would question all those responsible.

"I convey my deep sympathies and ask you and the people to accept my deep apologies," the letter said.

Meanwhile the Taliban has called on Afghans to kill and beat all invading forces in revenge for "insulting" the Koran.


I believe it may be time to withdraw from Afghanistan and let the place burn.  Honestly, we gave them a chance to overthrow the hideous creatures called the Taliban...but the Satanic horde will have none of it.  They can't read, they can't write and they have virtually no chance at democracy.

We have spilled enough blood and spent enough treasure.  We never realized that our battle was NOT against flesh and blood but instead was against the evil forces of Satan who has a stronghold in that dark country...and only the blood of Jesus Christ can defeat a force like that.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    What I find funny in all of this is that last May a bunch of Bibles a U.S. church sent to Afghanistan were confiscated and burned by the US military. We did not want to offend the Muslims.

    Read more:


