
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Greek Police Threaten to Arrest IMF Officials

This is incredible!  Greece is being forced to slash their budget after years of spending borrowed money and living an unsustainable life style.

The European Union and the IMF have been working on ways to bail out Greece and help them get on a sustainable track.  Of course this track MUST include budget cuts and also economic growth plans and also a revamping of the tax code.

Of course no adolescent child wants to be told he has to change his lifestyle and spend less they would rather throw a tantrum at their parents than accept a smaller lifestyle.

So today we have news that the police force is sick and tired of having to take less they have threatened to arrest those who would help them become financially sustainable.

ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece's largest police union has threatened to issue arrest warrants for officials from the country's European Union and International Monetary Fund lenders for demanding deeply unpopular austerity measures.

In a letter obtained by Reuters Friday, the Federation of Greek Police accused the officials of "...blackmail, covertly abolishing or eroding democracy and national sovereignty" and said one target of its warrants would be the IMF's top official for Greece, Poul Thomsen.

"Since you are continuing this destructive policy, we warn you that you cannot make us fight against our brothers. We refuse to stand against our parents, our brothers, our children or any citizen who protests and demands a change of policy," said the union, which represents more than two-thirds of Greek policemen.

"We warn you that as legal representatives of Greek policemen, we will issue arrest warrants for a series of legal violations ... such as blackmail, covertly abolishing or eroding democracy and national sovereignty."


Remember that Greece spent decades living off of "free" money that was easily given to them for any reason they deemed acceptable...including vacations.  Very few people pay taxes and most people have been collecting some sort of check from the government.

When you go to the Cycle of Nations that we blogged about yesterday....where does it appear that Greece is today?   It would look like she will soon be in bondage again.  To whom?...remains to be seen, but for sure in the short term she will be in bondage to the IMF and the European Union....and that inevitability is exactly why the Greek police force is lashing out at those parties.

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