
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Israel Attack on Iran Could Draw in USA

I'm not sure this headline is really's simply more evidence that the world is literally boiling over with wars and rumors of wars.

WASHINGTON (AP)–An Israeli pre-emptive attack on Iran's nuclear sites could draw the U.S. into a new Mideast conflict, a prospect dreaded by a war-weary Pentagon wary of new entanglements.

That could mean pressing into service the top tier of American firepower — warplanes, warships, special operations forces and possibly airborne infantry — with unpredictable outcomes in one of the world's most volatile regions.

"Israel can commence a war with Iran, but it may well take U.S. involvement to conclude it," says Karim Sadjadpour, a Middle East specialist at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Uncertainty about Iranian retaliation, as well as the cascade of potential consequences if the U.S. got drawn into the conflict, is at the core of U.S. officials' rationale for publicly casting doubt on the wisdom of Israeli military action now.

Did you catch the blurb there about casting doubt on the wisdom of Israel hitting Iran now?  When would it be smarter...3 years from now when they have nuclear warheads already attached to ICBM's?

There is no doubt that Israel is being backed into a corner and it is appearing more and more likely that The West is simply preparing for how to deal with a nuclear armed Iran...somehow figuring that it will be like dealing with a nuclear armed Pakistan.  However, Israel KNOWS that Iran isn't Pakistan...and their leaders have said over and over that they mean to destroy Israel. 

So, if you were Netanyahu, do you go and make an attempt on Iran's nuke facilities tonight?  Or tomorrow?  Or next week?  Or next month?  At what point do you tell your military that you have no more options...we just have to go...and see how it all turns out?...but at least you went down fighting.

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