
Thursday, February 2, 2012

More Chaos in Egypt

It was reported yesterday that a soccer game in Egypt led to a brawl where 75 people have died...and hundreds are injured so the death toll could rise.

What's up with all these angry Muslims?

Evidently the security police just stood by and watched.  And now today we have protesters who are mad at the military, mad at the police and mad at the government for not preventing the lots more angry Muslims in Egypt today.

Young, poor and unemployed - many of the Ahly football fans caught up in the violence on the terraces in Port Said also took part in the battles for Tahrir Square. What they want are jobs and the opportunity to escape their predicament. What they hate are privileged and powerful symbols of authority.

Internet forums and blogs are full of conspiracy theories, blaming the generals for deliberately allowing Ahly fans to be attacked. The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's biggest political movement, also accused the military of fomenting unrest to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.

That seems far-fetched. All we know for sure is that poorly paid and poorly trained riot police failed to keep apart two sets of football fans with a history of violence and mutual hatred.

After the overthrow of President Mubarak, you might expect everyone to now come together, preparing for a new era. But the reality is that Egypt is still a country in turmoil.


Yep...young, poor and unemployed is sure a recipe for disaster and unrest in Egypt and other Muslim lands.

Hey...come to think of it....isn't it the young, poor and unemployed that are making up the majority of Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Oakland and Occupy D.C. protests right here in our own country?

Could this be a foreshadowing of what is coming for the rest of us?

Meanwhile in Iran...they are rubbing their hands together as they watch the chaos build all over the they believe in their hearts that out of the growing chaos will come the 12th Imam.

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