
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Muslims Claim Jews Planning Third Temple

Here is more evidence that we must be approaching the very last days...because talk of a Jewish Third Temple built on the Temple Mount is increasing.

Let's remember that the 2nd Temple was the one that Jesus stood in when he was in Jerusalem.  That one was destroyed about 35 years after Jesus' death and resurrection and there has never been a temple there since.

When the Muslims showed up centuries later they knew that the site was a Jewish Holy site and since they claimed that Allah was greater than any other god they chose to build two mosques on the exact site and claim it as their own.  This Muslim practice is a little bit like a dog raising it's leg to mark its territory.

Israel is planning to build a new structure on the Temple Mount, adjacent to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Bethlehem-based Ma’an news agency reported on Saturday.

The report cited the Al-Aqsa Foundation for Endowment and Heritage, which claimed that a committee within the Israeli municipality of Jerusalem has submitted plans for the new structure.

According to the foundation, the 3,700-square-meter structure will be built near the Mughrabi Gate. It will consist of five floors, two of which will be underground.

The building will reportedly be designed to include a Jewish museum, lecture halls, exhibition halls, a library and archives center, and a center for information.

Ma’an quoted a statement by the Al-Aqsa Foundation, which claimed the structure would be built on Islamic and Arab ruins.

“The building will serve settlers and foreign tourists who visit the square,” the foundation said. “The Israeli archeology department has been digging and excavating for about five years demolishing structures that date back to different Arab and Islamic eras.”

Israel has not officially responded to the claims, a report on Israel’s Channel 2 News on Saturday said.

Last week, the Al Aqsa Heritage Foundation’s website featured photos of IDF soldiers touring the Temple Mount. The foundation claimed that two photos are of a Jewish man urinating on a wall within the Temple Mount compound.

However, the website did not provide any evidence that the man is indeed Jewish or that he was indeed engaged in the act they claim he was engaged in. Nor is there any account or documentation that he was approached by anyone following his supposed act of sacrilege, as one would have expected to happen.


Remember friends, we need to have a 3rd Temple to fulfill prophecy because this is the Temple that the Antichrist will sit at 3 1/2 years into the 7 year peace agreement signed between Israel and its enemies....and he will declare himself to be god.

When this happens...all hell will break loose on earth.

Thanks you Jesus that you promised to come and receive us unto yourself so that we will not be witnesses to this horrible time.

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