
Thursday, February 16, 2012

President Obama and the Prophet

Many of you probably are aware that Obama attended and spoke at the National Prayer breakfast last week.  Many of you are probably also aware that Obama declared he was a Christian and proceeded to mis-represent a Bible verse, "To whom much is given, much will be expected", to make a claim that his Socialist agenda would have been supported by Jesus.

The part that you probably DON'T know is that it appears that The Lord had some other plans for Obama's speech that day.  And it is appearing that He planned to trump Obama BEFORE he could even speak.

The speaker directly before Obama was Eric Metaxas who was a writer for Veggie Tales and also has written an AMAZING book about Bonhoeffer.  What Metaxas couldn't have known is that his speech was going to take apart Obama's speech...before Obama could even speak well as making a case against abortion right in front of the Pro-abortion President, Vice President and former Speaker Pelosi.

But Metaxas’s most blistering attack, albeit sheathed carefully in good humor and rapier wit, was still to come, for next on his agenda was his careful but dogged determination to link previous attitudes among churchgoers toward slavery and Nazism with those of some present day churchgoers toward abortion. Surrounded by three of the most powerful supporters of the right to choose, Obama, Vice President Biden, and former speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi — two Catholics and a Protestant — Metaxas said:

“Wilberfoce suddenly took the Bible seriously that all of us are created in the image of God, to care for the least of these.”

After carefully describing the inhumane treatment of both Jews and Africans by those claiming to be Christians, he asked then answered a question:
“You think you’re better than the Germans of that era? You’re not,” adding: “Whom do we say is not fully human today?”

See article here;

See video of speech here;

Hat tip to Jared F. and Christine P.

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